A man who describes himself as an “ordinary programming and investor” has burned and donated around$ 7 million worth of Ethereum in protest and as a personal statement in response to what he claims has been the subject of “brain-control organization monitoring and manipulation” for years.
Then, Crypto Twitter users are trying to find what’s left of his income.
The user, who identified himself as Hu Lezhi, has sent around 2, 553 ETH ( worth approximately$ 7 million ) through multiple transactions over the past week.
Of that amount, 603 ETH ($ 1.65 million ) was permanently removed from circulation by sending it to an unspendable blockchain address, 0x00000—also known as the ETH burn address.
Additionally, Hu has logged a number of strange emails on the cryptocurrency.
” Since October 2022, I have realized that I have been monitored and manipulated by a brain-control firm since birth”, Hu wrote on-chain. They “increased their hurt against me” when I learned of the organization’s life.
He wrote,” The past two years have been extremely distressing, and I’ve now lost my integrity as a person.”
In one of the transactions, executives at Chinese wall account WizardQuant Capital Management were accused of using “brain-computer weapons” to manage their employees.
The analytical company, which was founded by Wall Street soldiers and has offices in Shanghai and Beijing, did not immediately respond to ‘s request for comment.
Before burning his tokens, Hu donated more than 700 ETH ( a bit under$ 2 Million ) to Wikileaks address and other wallets like nda. eth, sharing more details about his supposed relationship with Wizard Quant.
The computer wrote in one of the purchases,” There is a new mode of crime where the victim is gradually deprived of his sensations of desire until he becomes a full slave to the digital device, and if I one day become a victim of the last step, I will leave the world,” inscribed on the cryptocurrency.
Some crypto Snapchat users have been attempting to take advantage of Lezhi and give them any money he has left. ” Choose help me, I am being persecuted to, take ETH”, wrote one person in two different deals to Lezhi’s target.
The next deal from Lezhi’s budget occurred on February 17 at 7: 13: 35 AM Est, when he sent another concept to Leaks about being “monitored and manipulated” since baby.
He wrote,” I have made the decision to leave this world and hope that the ugly world will soon be destroyed.”
edited by Josh Quittner and Sebastian Sinclair
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